Sunday, June 13, 2010


I think that Dr Goh Keng Swee contribute more to Singapore. He helped to improve Singapore more than Mr S Rajaratnam. For example:Dr Goh Keng Swee helped Singapore to make money during the time when Singapore's economic was in trouble. He also changed the Singapore's educational system that benefit Singapore until today. Due to his change in the educational system, more and more children are able to finish their education and find a better job. These children can contribute more to Singapore as compared to their parents when they grow up. Dr Goh Keng Swee also built up the National Service which enable Singapore to be perpared for wars and fights. While for Mr S Rajartnam, he only wrote the National pledge and helped to improve in other areas of Singapore. Although Mr S Rajaratnam did contribute to Singapore, his contributions were not as much as Dr Goh's. Also, Dr Goh's changes benefit Singapore more than Mr S Rajaratnam's. Dr Goh 's change gave Singapore a bright future while Mr S Rajaratnam 's change only helped the Singapore at that time.

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